I nearly forgot to add this cutie to my blog.
Last weekend our Em was in such a happy go lucky mood. It was great to see. I think she comes alive over the weekend when she hasn't got any worries or cares about school.
Anyway, she was busy creating something in the spare room and the next thing i know is that I am being presented with a medal for the "best mum"...........how sweet.
She just grabbed a scrap piece of paper, quickly painted some watercolour paints onto it and then scribbled a little face on it and instead of cutting the circle out she just ripped it and then added a bit of fishing line to turn it into a necklace. I wore it all day everytime I looked at it it brought a smile to my face.
Such a simple thing but it meant so much to me.................definately one to add to my treasures.
Gotta luv em!!!!!!
Thanks Ems!!!!!!
Luv Mum
Awwww...that is adorable !
refridgerator art just rocks. i have a drawer full. the fridge ran out of room years ago. lol!
omgoodness! what a sweetie! don't ya just love things like this??? adorable Sandie!
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